Sunday, November 4, 2012

Deep across

Deep across After every major conflict - World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the fall of the Soviet Union - what happened was that we ultimately hollowed out the force, largely by doing deep across-the-board cuts. Exact Measure Opposite Science Exacting Exactly Exactness Exacts Exaggerate Exaggerated Exaggerates Exaggerating Exaggeration Exalt Exaltation Exalted Exalts Exam Examination Examinations Examine Examined Examines Examining Example Examples Exams Exasperated Exasperating Exceed Exceeded Exceeding Exceedingly Exceeds Excel Excelled Excellence Excellencies Excellency Excellent Man Excels Except Excepting Exception Exceptional Exceptionally Exceptions Excess Excesses Excessive Excessively Exchange Rate Exchangeable Value Exchanged Exchanges Exchanging Excite Excited Excitement Excites Exciting Life Thing Things Time Exclamation Exclude Excluded Excludes Excluding Exclusion Exclusive Exclusively Exclusivity Excruciating Excursion Excursions Excuse Excused Excuses Excusing Execute Executed Executing Execution Executioner Executions Executive Branch Power Producer Executives Exemplary Exemplified Exempt Exemption Exemptions Exercise Exercised Exercises Exercising Exert Exerted Exerting Exertion Exertions Exerts Exeter Exhaust Exhausted Exhausting Exhaustion Exhaustive Exhausts Exhibit Exhibited Exhibiting Exhibition Exhibitionism Exhibitionist Exhibitions Exhibits Exhilarating Exhilaration Exhort Exhortation Exhortations Exigencies Exile Exiled Exiles Exist Existed Existence Existences Existent Existential Existing Exists Exit Strategy Exits Exodus Exorcism Exorcist Exotic Expand Expanded Expanding Expands Expanse Expansion Expansive Expect Expectancy Expectation Expectations Expected Expecting Expects Expedience Expediency Expedient Expedite Expedition Expeditions Expel Expelled Expend Expended Expending Expenditure Expenditures Expense Expenses Expensive Clothes Experience Experienced Experiences Experiencing Experiment Experimental Experimentation Experimented Experimenter Experimenting Experiments Expert Expertise Experts Expire Expired Explain Explained Explaining Explains Explanation Explanations Explicit Explicitly Explode Exploded Explodes Exploding Exploit Exploitation Exploitative Exploited Exploiting Exploits Exploration Explore Explored Explorer Explorers Explores Exploring Explosion Explosions Explosive Explosives Exponential Exponentially Exponents Export Exporter Exporting Exports Expose Exposed Exposes Exposing Exposition Exposure Express Yourself Expressed Expresses Expressing Expression Expressionism Expressionist Expressions Expressive Expressly Expulsion Expunge Exquisite Exquisitely Extant Extend Extended Family Extending Extends Extension Extensions Extensive Extensively Extent Exterior Exterminate Exterminated Extermination External Objects Things World Externals